Monday, February 15, 2010

Out of the mouth of...Keller

Lately, Mike has been working with the boys to help them be more directed in their bedtime prayers, sort of a simplified version of ACTS (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication). Each night he asks them to come up with something to thank God for and something to ask for. It's an effort to get them to think beyond selfish petitions to consider that God is their great and loving and merciful Father, deserving of praise as well as interested in their needs. We expect the usual, "I'm thankful for Froggy" or "I'm thankful for snow." Sometimes we get more serious requests like "I pray God will help my eczema feel better." The other night Mike started off asking the boys to consider what they were thankful for that day and then moved on to consider a petition. Mike turned to Keller and said, "What do you want to ask God for tonight?" Keller's response? "Stickers."

Well...we're working on it. =)

In addition to his silly, ornery, mischievous nature, Keller also has great visual problem solving skills and LOVES puzzles. He had just completed a new 300-piece puzzle a few days ago and wanted to save it on the card table until Mike got home so that he could show off his hard work. Anxious to encourage, I agreed. Of course, for reasons that remain a mystery to me but seem to be ingrained in boy DNA, Keller's puzzles are magnets for his equally busy 20-month-old little brother. After McCrea delightedly decimated a corner of the puzzle, I dutifully helped put it back together. After the SECOND too-gleeful pulverizing of the puzzle's top half, Keller looked at me seriously and said, "Mom, I really don't think we need any more babies." Though understanding of his frustration, as I am 35 weeks pregnant with the latest addition to our family, I solemnly reminded him that it was a little late for second thoughts. He responded, "Well, at least make sure this one's a girl."

And, lucky for him, God thought we needed another one of those as well. =)

Finally, yesterday in the car we were talking about the garden Mike wants to plant this spring. Keller started listing off all the good things he hoped we would include...blueberry bushes, strawberry bushes...and then he threw in a request for banana bushes. Slightly amused, Mike started to explain that bananas actually grow on trees and probably wouldn't grow well in our climate. Keller responded emphatically, "But I want to see all the monkeys!"

We busted out laughing. Of's only logical. Think about it, if Curious George can hang out in the city, why wouldn't a hoard of monkeys naturally flock to and thrive in our backyard with a few banana trees? Makes perfect sense, all in the mind of a four year old named Keller!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I just love him, the things he says!!!! Sounds like he brings you a lot of joy, as do all of your beautiful children!=) I know I owe you an email, will try to get to that today.......
